alternative rock, electronic & new wave

Spiegelberg Experimental
... is the ultimate experimental sound for people with strong nerves and the willingness to engage in a musical adventure. Spiegelberg experimental is uncompromising, strange, extreme and innovative.

There has been a double CD with songs beeing in part so extreme, that they reach the limit of pain. Below you can engage yourself to all songs in full-length. Try it out, dive into this bizarre world of sound. Those who manage to hear both CDs of Spiegelberg Experimental without interruption, have proven that they are tough und cannot be knocked out by anything!





Here all songs in full-length for listening and download:
Nr. Titel Lyrics Length MP3 HTML5 Player
1 Nr. 1 06'09" here
2 Nr. 2 03'02" here
3 Nr. 3 04'07" here
4 Nr. 4 04'12" here
5 Nr. 5 04'28" here
6 Nr. 6 03'42" here
7 Nr. 7 04'17" here
8 Nr. 8 02'58" here
9 Nr. 9 04'31" here
10 Nr. 10 05'23" here
11 Nr. 11 06'23" here
(if the players overlap, please enlarge by zooming)

The second CD of Spiegelberg Experimental:





Here all songs of the second CD in full-length for listening and download::
Nr. Titel Lyrics Length MP3 HTML5 Player
1 Nr. 12 02'35" here
2 Nr. 13 03'37" here
3 Nr. 14 03'35" here
4 Nr. 15 04'00" here
5 Nr. 16 06'41" here
6 Nr. 17 04'13" here
7 Nr. 18 05'32" here
8 Nr. 19 04'27" here
9 Nr. 20 04'54" here
10 Nr. 21 05'14" here
(if the players overlap, please enlarge by zooming)

music and sound:

Roland TR-606 drum machine, Korg MS-20 synthesizer, Roland TB-303 Bassline (bass sequencer) electric guitars, tape recordings (sometimes backwards), echo, flanger, tempo shifts, noises, voices

Songs without regard to any musical conventions: There are two rhythms running unsynchronized, there are sounds to appear in unpredictable moments. There are extreme shredded guitar sounds destroying all listening habits or there are noises of cooking pots, electrical appliances and glasses beeing arranged to a surreal echo carpet

the project:

Spiegelberg is primarily a studio project by the end of the 1980s. There has been a live performance in a stalactite cave in the Harz
