On the website of high art musics you will find a collection of exceptional bands and band projects, especially from the 1980s and 1990s. It is music aside the mainstream, surprising, daring and unconventional. Yes, it is in part so unusual that you need some courage and curiousness to listen to it. But take a look at the individual projects themselves - and hear the sound. All songs are in full length as mp3-files with 192 kbit/s.
Alternative rock music with lyrics in German - inspired by Pink Floyd, Kraftwerk, King Crimson, Depeche mode, Rammstein - and yet quite different. More...
Forget Red Hot Chili Peppers, Lenny Kravitz and Oasis.
Choose life - two guitars and two voices, bass, drums
and turntables. Life, so it's like. Curious? More...
Living, dying, thinking - songs mainly based on electronic sounds about the disappearance of prehistoric, human and social dinosaurs. Spiegelberg Experimental: A very special adventure of extraordinary sounds. More...
Psycho-space-new-wave with German lyrics from the early 80s. Songs about how it is to be a stone, on the spiritual seducer 'Suslov' or the longing for the south wind. More...
Psychedelic rock music from Berlin in the 1970s - influenced by Pink Floyd and King Crimson - and yet quite different. The sound: from hard to romantic; sprawling, unapologetic, full of experimental sounds. More...
listen via html5-player:
faustroll-projekt - planet utopia alea - walking in the city schwankende gestalten - südwind choose life - and they do faking refl. - wisdom of the squids spiegelberg - unterg. der dinos 3 spiegelberg - experimental nr. 7 dr. faustroll - stein prof. faust-troll - medley
(if the players overlap, please enlarge by zooming)